1) What is the difference between Verified & Active?
Users who have the "Verified" symbol are users whose existence has been confirmed because PemPem has visited. “Active” users are users who actively set prices and share transactions at least 2x in 1 month. Users who have “no label" means they have just joined and have not been verified by PemPem.
2) Why is there this difference?
To help Buyers & Sellers who don't know each other to know how much the user can be trusted. Verified users who have been visited by PemPem can be trusted for their existence and origin (3 stars), Active Users because they have been actively using the PemPem application (install prices & share transactions) have a moderate level of trust (2 stars). You need to contact and verify users who have "no label" before making a transaction.
3) How to get the “Verified” badge?
Contact PemPem (085277768665) so that our field agents can immediately contact you and boost your level of trust
4) How to get the “Active” symbol?
DO/Ramp/Agent: share at least 2 transactions with 2 different users AND set the price 2 times in 30 days.
Farmer: Have a “Plot" in the organization AND share 2 transactions in 30 days.